If you are a current patient who had previously set up a portal, your username can be accessed by Shelbey. Please email her at [email protected].

Your password can be reset by you using “forgot my password” link at login, provided you recall your username.

Joining Your Telehealth Appointment

  1. Log into your MYIO portal using the username and password you created during portal setup.  
  2. Click the Check-In button for your appointment. 
  3. MYIO only shows appointments for today and the future. 
  4. The “Check-In” button only appears for today’s appointments.
  5. Once your provider has started the session, you will see a Join Now button to click

Supported browsers are Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge. If you are accessing MYIO in a different browser, there will be an error banner, and the telehealth session will not be available. 

Joining Your Telehealth Appointment

Image of phone with MYIO app screen
  1. Log into the MYIO app on your mobile device. On a mobile device, telehealth is only available from the app and not through a browser. The MYIO app is available on the App Store and Google Play store.
  2. Enable notifications to get extra reminders regarding your appointment and notifications when portal messages have been responded to by clinical team.
  3. Click the Check-In button for your appointment. 
  4. MYIO only shows appointments for today and the future. 
  5. The Check-In button only appears for today’s appointments.
  6. Once the provider has started the session, you will see a Join Now button to click. 
  7. Make sure the microphone and camera access is toggled on.

If you do not remember your login information, your provider may text you a guest request which will open in the installed app for your appointment.