Who should I go to for help?


Collects all intake paperwork and sets up initial appointments.

Direct all requests to CANCEL follow up appointment to her.

Assists to reschedule appointments- (you can also request a sooner appointment via the MyIO app.

Maintains a waitlist for patients who wish to be seen sooner than they are scheduled.

CANNOT respond to requests related to clinical issues.


Verifies insurance benefits.

Charges credit cards with amount owed for co pays, missed appointments.

Charges credit cards with the amount that your insurance company lists on an explanation of benefits for “patient responsibility”.

Can answer questions related to your bill.

Can assist with getting a super bill.

IF change in insurance, email card immediately to billing@riverbendtherapeuticalliance.com and admin@rivebendtherapeuticalliance.com A photo with your phone of the front and back of the card is sufficient.

Kelly’s Care Team/Patient portal

All clinical questions go through the portal only.

Requests change pharmacies because of out-of-stock items.

Can securely upload clinical information for review.

FMLA paperwork uploaded here, completion with 14 days after paperwork fee is received and only after discussion.

Responses within 1-2 business days.

There are no clinical staff on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.